Concept of Anemia according to Ayurveda

Concept of Anemia according to Ayurveda

Dr Aman Kumar, Dr Arjun Gupta

Anemia is common micronutrients disease affects health status of very large population of whole world. Iron deficiency is the most common causes of anemia. Ayurveda described Pandu Roga which correlated with anemia.
Ayurveda mentioned causes, symptoms and treatments of Pandu. The Pandu Roga involves lack of haemoglobin due to poor intake of iron through dietary sources, poor absorption and digestive problems may also leads Anemia.
The characteristic features of diseases involve discoloration of skin, pita and presence of Ketaki dhuli nibha chaya.
Ayurveda described it as “Varnopalakshita roga” which indicates change in the color. The clinical symptoms involve loss of appetite, palpitations, Pandutwa and fatigue. This book presents the Ayurveda concept of Pandu Roga (Anemia).