Beyond the Classroom: Emerging Technologies to Enhance Learning

Beyond the Classroom: Emerging Technologies to Enhance Learning

Dr. Syed Hasan Qasim

The transition from chalkboards to digital whiteboards marks a significant milestone in the evolution of classroom technology, symbolizing the shift from passive to interactive learning environments. Hundreds of digital learning tools have been developed to increase student autonomy, improve the management of academic processes, promote collaboration and improve communication between teachers and students. The NEP 2020 plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of educational technology in India. It acknowledges the critical role of technology in expanding educational opportunities and improving learning outcomes. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the emergence and evolution of new technologies in the field of education to enhance learning. It includes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Data Analytics or Learning Analytics, Microlearning and Mobile Learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Gamification and Game-Based Learning, Electronic and interactive textbooks, Active and Collaborative Learning. It examines the current state of these new technologies from several educational perspectives, highlights some of them, and discusses both their established and potential educational benefits. In addition, it provides an in-depth discussion of recent developments and future challenges from many different perspectives.